

词汇 poetic license
poetic license. John Dryden called poetic license “the liberty which poets have assumed to themselves in all ages, of speak- ing things in verse, which are beyond the severity of prose.” Po- etic license is the liberty taken by any writer, especially a poet, to fit the language to his needs, to deviate from conventional form, fact, and even logic to create a desired effect. Everything depends on the end justifying the means, that is, whether the poem (or other piece of writing) “works.” Luckily, Tennyson presented his poetic license after he wrote the line, “Every mo- ment dies a man/ Every moment one is born.” The literal- minded mathematician Charles Babbage had written him that “if this were true, the population of the world would be at a standstill” and urged him to change the line to: “Every moment dies a man/ Every moment 11⁄16 is born.”




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