

词汇 tarzan
Tarzan. A Tarzan is any well-built outdoors man with great agility, strength, and valor. The word comes from American au- thor Edgar Rice Burroughs’s novels about Tarzan, the son of a British aristocrat orphaned in the jungle as a baby and raised by apes, his adventures beginning with Tarzan of the Apes (1914). The novelist’s opinions may have been inspired by Wil- liam Milden, earl of Streaham, who was shipwrecked off Africa in 1869 when barely 11 years old and supposedly lived with apes for 15 years before being found and returned home to En- gland. Tarzan is the only eponymous word constructed from an invented language, in this case the “monkey language” Bur- roughs devised in his first book, in which the hero’s foster mother, Kala the ape, names him from tar, “white,” and zan, “skin,” Tarzan literally meaning “white skin.” The much-quoted humorous line “Me Tarzan, you Jane” wasn’t invented by Bur- roughs, coming from one of the many films or comics made of the author’s 24 Tarzan books. Tarzan’s cry, his chest pounding, his swinging on vines, and his high dives into the water have long been imitated by children of all ages.




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