

词汇 cattle singer
cattle singer. An interesting Americanism explained by Edna Ferber in Cimarron (1930):
. . . Shanghai Wiley, up from Texas, was the most famous
cattle singer in the whole Southwest. . . . Possessed of a
remarkably high sweet tenor voice . . . he had been
known to quiet a whole herd of restless cattle on the
verge of a mad stampede. It was an art he had learned
when a cowboy on the range. Many cowboys had it, but
none possessed the magic soothing quality of
Shanghai’s voice. It was reputed to have in it the sorcery
of the superhuman. It was told of him that in a milling
herd, their nostrils distended, their flanks heaving, he
had been seen to leap from the back of one maddened
steer to another, traveling that moving mass that was
like a shifting sea, singing to them in his magic tenor,
stopping them just as they were about to plunge into the
Rio Grande.




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