

词汇 café society
café society. Said to be coined one night in 1919 by newspa- per society columnist Cholly Knickerbocker (Maury Paul) when he saw a number of prominent socialites dining out at the Ritz-Carlton in midtown Manhattan. Up to that time, sup- posedly, most of this breed dined at home. Paramount Pictures later paid Lucius Beebe, another city newspaper columnist, $50,000 for using the term café society as the title of a movie starring Madeleine Carroll—thinking he had invented the ex- pression. But it is fairly certain that Champagne Cholly (as Paul was also known) deserves the honor. He is also said to have in- vented glamour girl, an old standby, but is mostly responsible for such thankfully extinct cutesy coinages as sweetie sweets (nice people) and doughy dowagers (rich people).




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