

词汇 newton-s apple
Newton’s apple. Everyone knows the story about Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree pondering the question of gravitation when an apple fell on his head and inspired the train of thought that led to his law of universal gravitation. But the particulars are usually omitted in this tale. According to Voltaire, who first told the story, and got it from Newton’s niece, Mrs. Conduit, the apple fell in his mother’s garden at Woolsthorpe, where he was visiting her in 1666. Even the name of the apple is known—it was a red cooking variety called the Flower of Kent. (If you want to sample it, plant the same tree Newton sat under—grafted scions of the tree have been taken over the years since 1666 and are available from English nurseries.) The apple that bopped Newton must have inspired a long train of thought, for the law of universal gravi- tation didn’t come to fruition for nearly 20 years. Such charm- ing stories have become part of the Newton legend, whether reliable or not. Perhaps the greatest figure in the history of science, Newton could still say of himself: “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting my- self in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all un- discovered before me.”




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