

词汇 klieg eyes
klieg eyes; klieg light. Hollywood movie stars adopted the dark glasses that became their trademark because of the intense klieg light introduced to stage and studio early in this century. These bright incandescent lights, rich in ultraviolet rays, caused a form of conjunctivitis marked by burning of the eyeballs, red- ness, tearing, and photophobia that was common to all who worked under the arcs. In order to protect their klieg eyes the stars, as well as lesser lights, took to wearing “shades,” and have traditionally done so ever since. The klieg light was the inven- tion of the German-born brothers Kliegl, John H. (1869–1959) and Anton T. (1872–1927), who immigrated to the United States and in 1897 established the firm of Kliegl Brothers, pio- neering in the development of lighting equipment and scenic effects for the stage and early motion pictures. The light they invented was first called the Kliegl light, which proved too diffi- cult to pronounce, their real name modified like those of many of the actors who worked with them.




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