brandy (n.)
“烈酒,尤指从葡萄酒等其他酒类蒸馏而成的酒”,1650年代,缩写自 brandy-wine(1620年代),源自荷兰语 brandewijn,“烧酒”,早期为 brand-wijn,因为它是经过蒸馏而得名(与德语同源词 Branntwein 和捷克语 palenka “白兰地”相似,源自 paliti “燃烧”)。据说宾夕法尼亚州的 Brandywine 溪,在1777年的革命战争中的战斗地点,17世纪时由荷兰探险家以其水的颜色命名。
In familiar use abbreviated as brandy as early as 1657; but the fuller form was retained in official use (customs tariffs, acts of parliament, etc.) down to the end of 17th c., being latterly, as the spelling shows, regarded as a compound of brandy + wine. [OED]
自1657年起,在日常使用中缩写为 brandy,但完整形式在官方使用中保留(海关关税、议会法案等)直到17世纪末,后来,正如拼写所示,被视为 brandy + wine 的复合词。[OED]
最早记录年份: 1650s