dower (n.)
15世纪中期(自13世纪末起在盎格鲁-法语中使用),“女子在婚姻中带给丈夫的财产”,源自古法语 doaire “嫁妆,礼物”(见 dowry)。在现代法律用语中,“已故丈夫的不动产中允许寡妇终身享有的部分”。指“自然天赋的一部分”来自14世纪晚期。
dower 的相关词汇
约在1400年,“妇女在婚姻中带给丈夫的钱财、物品或财产”,源自盎格鲁-法语 dowarie,古法语 doaire(13世纪后期)“嫁妆、财产、礼物”,源自中世纪拉丁语 dotarium,源自拉丁语 dotare “捐赠、分配”,源自 dos(属格 dotis)“婚姻财产”,源自 PIE *do-ti,源自词根 *do- “给予”。参见 dower。
dower, dowry. The two words, originally the same, are differentiated in ordinary literal use, dower being the widow's life share of her husband's property, & dowry the portion brought by a bride to her husband; but in poetic or other ornamental use dower has often the sense of dowry; & either is applied figuratively to talents &c. [Fowler]
嫁妆、婚姻财产。这两个词最初相同,在普通的字面意义上有所区别, dower 是寡妇在丈夫财产中的终身份额, dowry 是新娘带给丈夫的财产; 但在诗歌或其他修辞用法中, dower 常常具有 dowry 的意义; 并且任何一个词都可以比喻为才能等等。[福勒]
它构成或部分构成以下单词: add; anecdote; antidote; betray; condone; dacha; dado; data; date (n.1) "时间"; dative; deodand; die (n.); donation; donative; donor; Dorian; Dorothy; dose; dowager; dower; dowry; edition; endow; Eudora; fedora; Isidore; mandate; Pandora; pardon; perdition; Polydorus; render; rent (n.1) "物业使用费"; sacerdotal; samizdat; surrender; Theodore; Theodosia; tradition; traitor; treason; vend。
它是假设的源头/其存在的证据由以下单词提供:梵语 dadati “给予”, danam “奉献,礼物”; 古波斯语 dadatuv “让他给”; 希腊语 didomi, didonai,“给予,提供”, dōron “礼物”; 拉丁语 dare “给予,授予,提供”, donum “礼物”; 亚美尼亚语 tam “给予”; 古教会斯拉夫语 dati “给予”, dani “贡品”; 立陶宛语 duoti “给予”, duonis “礼物”; 古爱尔兰语 dan “礼物,捐赠,天赋”,威尔士语 dawn “礼物”。