

词汇 hit ’em where they ain’t
hit ’em where they ain’t. Wee Willie Keeler, inventor of base- ball’s hit-and-run play with New York Giants manager John McGraw, contributed this expression to the language in 1897 when asked by a reporter how such a little man could have such a high batting average. “Simple,” Keeler advised, “I keep my eyes clear and I hit ’em where they ain’t.” William Henry Keeler had a lifetime average of .345 over a 19-year career and collect- ed 2,962 hits; he was elected to baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1939. His hit ’em where they ain’t is sometimes used outside of base- ball for doing something unexpectedly, though I can find no dictionary that records the usage.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:51:42