

词汇 stuffed shirt
stuffed shirt. It may be that the ladies’ shirtwaists stuffed with tissue paper displayed in many department store windows at the turn of the century suggested this term for a pompous, pretentious bore who insists on formalities. Though flimsy, the shirtwaists looked imposing and inflated when stuffed with pa- per. Comparing a man to a lady’s shirtwaist would have been an insult in itself, but we only know that the first literary use of the term is by Willa Cather in O Pioneers! (1913). Another pos- sibility is that the term simply derived from similar earlier “stuffed” expressions such as stuffed ballot, a fraudulent ballot; stuffed monkey, a conceited person; and Stuffed Prophet, an epi- thet the New York Sun hung on Grover Cleveland when he ran for president in 1892.




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