

词汇 gobbledygook
gobbledygook. Gobbledygook means obscure, verbose, bu- reaucratic language characterized by circumlocution and jar- gon, and usually refers to the meaningless officialese turned out by government agencies. The late Representative Maury Maverick coined the word in 1944 when he was chairman of the Smaller War Plant Committee in Congress. Maverick had just attended a meeting of the committee, at which phrases such as “cause an investigation to be made with a view to as- certaining” were rife. He wrote a memo condemning such offi- cialese and labeled it gobbledygook, later explaining that he was thinking of the gobbling of turkeys while they strutted pompously. bafflegab, jargantuan, pudder, and pen- tagonese are all synonyms. George Orwell’s “translation” of Lord Nelson’s immortal phrase “England expects every man to do his duty” is a good example of gobbledygook: “England an- ticipates that, as regards the current emergency, personnel will face up to the issues, and exercise appropriately the functions allocated to their respective occupational groups.” See alsomaverick.




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