

词汇 xxx
XXX. Bottles marked with Xs, for “booze in cartoons,” have their basis in reality. Nineteenth-century British breweries marked bottles X, XX, or XXX to indicate alcoholic content— the more Xs, the more kick. See x for XXXs used for kisses. An- other use of three x’s that isn’t noted in any dictionary, William A. Strockbine writes that he was “told years ago by the redoubt- able Ronald W. Siegal, formerly of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, that XXX (thirty) was used by telegra- phers to indicate the end of a transmission because that combi- nation of letters could not be found in any word and was easily recognized for its symmetry. It could be interspersed in the transmission of a string of messages that might not otherwise be so clearly separated.”




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