

词汇 sambo
sambo. Blacks have probably been vilified with more slur names than any other group in history. All are, of course, dis- paraging and offensive, and this includes sambo. Ironically, the Little Black Sambo of the children’s story who helped give the term widespread currency is really an East Indian, but sambo was with us long before the boy who melted the tiger to butter. Possibly of American origin, the term was intro- duced via the slave trade. The word, some believe, derives from the Kongo nzambu, “monkey,” which became zambo, “bowlegged,” in Spanish. Alternate choices are the Foulah sambo, “uncle,” or the Hausan sambo, “second son.” It may be that sambo simply comes from the name of a West African tribe called the Samboses, mentioned in European literature as early as 1564.




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