skeet (n.)
1926年,一种涉及不同角度的陷阱射击形式,名称选自《国家运动员》公开征集的提名,因为它是“我们现在的‘shoot’这个词的一个非常古老的形式”。也许原意是类似于方言 skite(名词)“突然的打击或打击”,最终源自古诺尔斯语 skjota “射击”(比较 skit,参见 shoot(动词))。
在“密西西比州的一些言语特点”列表中,[H.A. Shands, 1893]有一个 skeet 的条目:“文盲的白人使用这个词来表示迅速移动逃跑,滑冰,从最后一个意思来看,它可能是由此派生的。”
The game of "Skeet" was developed by a group of enthusiastic trap-shooters who were dissatisfied with the target methods employed at various trap-shooting clubs and who desired to work out a system that would reproduce more closely actual field shooting conditions. How well they have succeeded is evidenced by the popularity that has already been accorded the new game. [Forest and Stream, October 1926]
最早记录年份: 1926