cloture (n.)
1871年,法语单词“closure”的意思是“关闭,关闭行动”,最初用于法国议会的辩论(“多数意志关闭(辩论)的行动”),然后用于英国下议院和美国国会,来自法语 clôture,源自古法语 closture(参见 closure)。这个词在英语中特别被反对该策略的人使用。
In foreign countries the Clôture has been used notoriously to barricade up a majority against the "pestilent" criticism of a minority, and in this country every "whip" and force is employed by the majority to re-assert its continued supremacy and to keep its ranks intact whenever attacked. How this one-sided struggle to maintain solidarity can be construed into "good for all" is inexplicable in the sense uttered. ["The clôture and the Recent Debate, a Letter to Sir J. Lubbock," London, 1882]
在外国,Clôture 被公开用来阻止少数派的“有害”批评,而在这个国家,多数派使用每一个“鞭子”和力量来重新确立其持续的优势,并在受到攻击时保持其队伍的完整性。这种单方面的维护团结的斗争如何被解释为“对所有人有益”是无法解释的。[“Clôture 和最近的辩论,写给 J·卢伯克爵士的信”,伦敦,1882年]
最早记录年份: 1871