

词汇 presidential nicknames
presidential nicknames. George Washington was of course the Father of His Country; John Adams, who loved to eat, was called His Rotundity; while tough old Andy Jackson was known as Old Hickory; Abraham Lincoln was widely called Honest Abe, and the Great Emancipator; Calvin Coolidge was Silent Cal; Ike was Dwight Eisenhower; and the Great Communicator was Ronald Reagan. Among other less famous nicknames were Long Tom—Thomas Jefferson, Old Veto—John Tyler, Old Rough and Ready—Zachary Taylor, Lemonade Lucy—Rutherford Hayes (he didn’t drink the hard stuff ), Ten Cent Jimmy—James Buchanan (because of his small stature and terrible bearing), the Beast of Buffalo—Grover Cleveland (he was rumored to beat his wife), George W. (or “W”)—George W. Bush (humor- ous, or to distinguish him from his father, Geogre Bush, who served as president eight years before him). The president with the most nicknames, virtually all of them derogatory, was Mar- tin Van Buren, who was called, among other nasty things: Little Van the Used Up Man, the American Tallyrand, Motley Van, Old Kinderhook (his birthplace was Kinderhook, New York), the Sage or Wizard of Kinderhook, the Little Magician, the Red Fox, the Enchanter, Petticoat Pet (for his foppish dress), and Martin Van Ruin (for the depression he helped cause). It should be noted that two women married to presidents (Abigail Adams and Woodrow Wilson’s wife) were called Mrs. President. Wil- son’s wife was also called Presidentress of the United States. See handsome; ok.




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