

词汇 cleopatra-s nose
Cleopatra’s nose. “If the nose of Cleopatra had been shorter the whole face of the earth would have been changed,” wrote the French philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623–62) in his famous Pensées. His proverbial observation refers to the effects of Cleopatra’s charms on Caesar and Mark Antony, but a different nose length, at least a moderately different one, would probably have made little difference to history. For Cleopatra’s allure did not depend on her physical beauty; most sources, in fact, indi- cate that she wasn’t a beautiful woman at all. What she was was an accomplished, artful lover, and the “salad days” that Shake- speare has her admit to—when she was young and loved un- skillfully, like a salad, green and cold—were distant memories long before she had married at 17.




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