

词汇 hot dog
hot dog. According to concessionaire Harry Stevens, who first served grilled franks on a split roll in about 1900, the franks were dubbed hot dogs by that prolific word inventor sports car- toonist T. A. Dorgan after he sampled them. “TAD” possibly had in mind the fact that many people believed frankfurters were made from dog meat at the time, and no doubt heard Ste- vens’ vendors crying out “Get your red hots!” on cold days. Dor- gan even drew the hot dog as a dachshund on a roll, leading the indignant Coney Island Chamber of Commerce to ban the use of the term hot dog by concessionaires there (they could be called only Coney Islands, red hots and frankfurters). Hot dog! became an ejaculation of approval by 1906, one that is still heard occasionally; hot diggity dog! was invented during the Roaring Twenties. Dorgan at least popularized the term hot dog, which may have been around since the late 1880s. See frankfurter. In fact, hot dog for a frankfurter is recorded in the college news- paper The Yale Record in 1895 in a humorous poem about someone who “bites the dog” when it’s placed inside a bun.




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