

词汇 bunk
bunk. The Missouri Compromise was being hotly debated the morning of February 25, 1820 when long-winded Con- gressman Felix Walker of Buncombe County, North Carolina rose on the floor of the House of Representatives and insisted that he be heard before a vote was taken. “Old Oil Jug,” as his fellow congressmen called him after his well-lubricated vocal cords, did not address himself to the monumental question of the extension of slavery; his interminable oration actually had little to do with anything and important members began inter- rupting him with cries of “Question, Question!” On being asked what purpose his speech served, Walker calmy remarked, “You’re not hurting my feelings, gentlemen. I am not speaking for your ears. I am only talking for Buncombe.” Old Oil Jug ap- parently had written his speech some time before and believed he would ingratiate himself with the voters back home if he de- livered it in the midst of a great debate, but the strategy didn’t work, judging by the fact that he lost the next election. Yet his reply, “I am talking for Buncombe,” was widely published in newspapers covering the debate and became a synonym for talking nonsense. Eventually, Buncombe became bunkum and it finally took the shortened form of bunk (in the 1850s), mean- ing not only “bombastic political talk,” but “any empty, inflated speech obviously meant to fool people.”




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