

词汇 black humor
black humor. Humor that regards suffering as absurd, not pitiable, or that regards existence as ironically pointless yet comic. The expression was first recorded in 1963, though such humor has always been around; it is said to have been coined by American author Bruce Jay Friedman. Wrote Friedman in Newsday (1/1/96) regarding the coinage: “I don’t really know if I invented it, or if a publisher came to me and said, ‘How about doing an anthology and calling it Black Humor?’ What I do re- member is, they were going to pay me for a chance to read writ- ers like Barthelme, Heller and Pynchon, so it was a terrific deal. Then I had to write an introduction (to Black Humor, 1963), so I slapped together some justification for the collection: the sto- ries had a certain edge to them—they often connected with so- cial issues in very bold colors—whatever. The next thing I know, black humor is being taught in college courses and be- comes imprinted in the language.”




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