

词汇 -ess feminine termination
-ess (feminine termination). Unlike most feminists today Mrs. Sara Josepha Hale thought that the -ess or feminine termi- nation in words, declining steadily since Chaucer’s day, should be revived in many cases or carried much further. So in 1867 the editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book recommended the following words: actress, adventuress, arbitress, authoress, citizeness, doc- tress, governess, huntress, instructress, monitress, murderess, negress, paintress, poetress, postmistress, preceptress, profes- soress, sculptress, shepherdess, songstress, sorceress, steward- ess, tailoress, teacheress, tormentress, traitress, victress, waitress. Of these only actress, waitress, and governess are commonly used today. Songstress, sorceress (historical), and stewardess (despite flight attendant) still have some currency, but the rest are rarely, if ever, heard. I have never heard anyone called a teacheress or a victress, a female victor—and many feminists today would feel that a woman called any of these terms would qualify as a victress.




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