

词汇 sacheverell
sacheverell. Not many preachers or politicians have been put down as properly as Dr. Henry Sacheverell (ca. 1674–1724). “Famous for blowing the coals of dissension,” the English cler- gyman had both “the blower of a stove” and a chamber pot named sacheverells after him. The naming was undoubtedly done by Whigs, whom Sacheverell had violently attacked in 1709 in two sermons, especially lashing out against the govern- ment’s toleration of dissenters. Charged with seditious libel, the fervent Tory was suspended from preaching for three years. But his trial brought about the downfall of the Whigs and he was rewarded with the important rectory of St. Andrew’s im- mediately after his suspension expired. It remained for the dic- tionaries to take revenge for the Whigs. See twiss.




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