pretender (n.)
1590年代,“有意者”; 1620年代,“提出要求者”; 源自 pretend(动词)的代词。特指自1690年代起对英国王位提出要求的人,尤其是 Old 和 Young Pretenders,詹姆斯二世的儿子和孙子,他们声称有权继承王位,反对汉诺威王朝。1630年代开始,“假装者,虚伪者,没有充分理由提出要求的人”。
Having been a spectator of the battle of the Boyne, on the first of July 1690, he thought it most prudent, while the fate of the day was yet undecided, to seek for safety in flight. In a few hours he reached the castle of Dublin, where he was met by Lady Tyrconnel, a woman of spirit. "Your countrymen (the Irish), Madam," said James, as he was ascending the stairs, "can run well."—"Not quite so well as your Majesty," retorted her Ladyship ; "for I see you have won the race." [anecdote of the Old Pretender, first, as far as I can tell, in Charles Wilson's "Polyanthea," 1804]
最早记录年份: 1590s