medicine man (n.)
"原住民北美巫师",最早见于1801年,源于当地语言中采用 medicine 这个词,意为"魔力影响; 被认为具有治疗、超自然或神秘力量的东西"。他们称美加边界为 Medicine Line(1880年有记录),因为它提供了一种魔法保护:在边界一侧犯罪的惩罚可以通过越过边界来避免。类似于中古英语中 medicine 的次要意义,即"道德、心理或社会疗法; 保护、防御"。
Unless some understanding is arrived at between the American and Canadian Governments that offenders may be promptly and vigorously dealt with, I very much fear that killing and stealing will increase to such an extent that the country along the border will be scarcely habitable. When the Indians are made to understand that the mere fact of "hopping" across the line does not exempt them from punishment, there will be a much greater guarantee of their good behaviour. Now they call the boundary the "Medicine line," because no matter what they have done upon one side they feel perfectly secure after having arrived upon the other. [Report of Superintendent L.N.F. Crozier, Dec. 1880, in "North-West Mounted Police Force Commissioner's Report," 1880]
除非美国和加拿大政府达成某种谅解,以便能够迅速而有力地处理罪犯,否则我非常担心杀人和偷盗会增加到难以居住的程度。当印第安人明白了跨越边界并不意味着他们可以免于惩罚时,他们的行为将更有保障。现在他们称边界为"医疗线",因为无论他们在一侧做了什么,到了另一侧后就感到完全安全。[L.N.F. Crozier 主管的报告,1880年12月,收录于"西北骑警队长的报告,1880年"]
因此, medicine bag 也指"袋子,里面装有被认为具有治疗或魔力的物品,由北美土著人佩戴"(1802年)。
最早记录年份: 1801