

词汇 civet
civet.  Civet cats are raised commercially in Ethiopia for the civet excretion used in making perfume. Wild male civets are captured, caged, and well cared for because they constitute about a fifth of each villager’s income. Typically, a stick is in- serted into the cage. The civet grabs it with his teeth, and then the animal’s rear legs are held by a worker while the oil is re- moved from an external sac in the genital area. Ethiopia ex- ports a ton or so of rare civet every year. Civet comes ultimately from the Arabic zabad, meaning civet perfume. For centuries its excretion has been considered an aphrodisiac as well as a perfume agent. Wrote Shakespeare in King Lear (1604–5): “Give me an ounce of civet, good apothecary, to sweeten my imagination.”




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