

词汇 boston brahmin
Boston Brahmin. A Brahmin is a worshipper of the Hin- du god Brahma, the creator of the universe. The Brahmin’s sta- tus as a member of the highest caste in Hinduism inspired the Americanism Boston Brahmin for an aristocratic, upper class, conservative Bostonian; the term was first recorded in January 1861 by Oliver Wendell Holmes in his novel Elsie Venner as “the Brahmin caste of New England.” Holmes found the Boston Brahmins a “harmless, inoffensive, untitled aristocracy . . . which has grown to be a caste by the repetition of the same in- fluences generation after generation” so that it has acquired a distinct character and organization. In November 1947 the At- lantic Monthly noted: “The Brahmins do not think of them- selves as Brahmins: the word is antique as the wooden cod hanging in the State House.” Antique or not the term is still widely used, usually in a humorous way. Brahmin caste is a synonym.




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