

词汇 basketball
basketball; basket. The game of basketball might be called boxball today if its inventor’s intentions had been realized. Ca- nadian James Naismith (1861–1939) invented the game while working at the International YMCA Training School in Spring- field, Massachusetts, in late 1891. Though Naismith gave the game no name, his plan called for hanging an overhead wooden box at each end of the school’s gym. Since the school’s supply room had no boxes, Naismith agreed to use two half-bushel peach baskets instead. This suggested the name basket ball to him, even though the game was first played with a soccer ball, and he used it a month later, in January 1892, in an article for the school magazine describing the game. Soon basket ball was contracted to basketball. Incidentally, Naismith’s peach baskets were not cut open at the end and his players had to climb on a ladder to retrieve each ball sunk in the basket. Basket for a score in basketball comes of course from the peach basket first used in the game. But basket wasn’t the most common name for a score until about 1905—before that a score was most often termed a goal. In fact, the very first score in the first basketball game—made by one William R. Chase—was called a goal. See according to hoyle.




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