

词汇 lawnmower
lawnmower. The word lawnmower isn’t recorded until 1875, while lawn sprinkler made its appearance 19 years later. How- ever, the lawn mower was invented in around 1830 by English textile plant foreman Edwin Budding, who patterned his in- vention on factory machinery used at the time to shear the nap of woven cloth to a uniform height. Close to a century passed before retired American Army colonel Edwin George in 1919 invented the first motorized lawnmower, using the gasoline en- gine from the family washing machine for his invention. Then came the riding or riden lawnmower upon which all adults look ridiculous, though some people take them seriously—es- pecially the 40 or so people who compete in the Twelve-Mile Riding Lawn Mower Race held in Twelve-Mile, Indiana, on July 4 of every year, the winner usually breaking 45 minutes. Such people might be called “mownomaniacs.” Mownomaniac is a new word for someone obsessed with caring for, and espe- cially mowing, his or her lawn. Mownomaniacs have been around for about a century and a half now (there were few lawns as we know them before 1850).




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