bureaucrat (n.)
"官僚机构的成员",1839年,源自19世纪的法语 bureaucrate; 参见 bureaucracy。
最早记录年份: 1839
bureaucrat 的相关词汇
bureaucracy (n.)
“政府由官僚组成”,尤其是“暴虐的官僚主义”,行政机构过度繁殖并集中权力于其中,指它们干涉私人事务、效率低下、僵化不灵活的倾向,1818年,源自法语 bureaucratie,由法国经济学家让·克洛德·玛丽·文森特·德古尔内(Jean Claude Marie Vincent de Gournay,1712-1759)创造,仿效 democratie 、aristocratie,来自 bureau “办公室”,字面意思是“书桌”(见 bureau),加上希腊后缀 -kratia 表示“权力”(见 -cracy)。
That vast net-work of administrative tyranny ... that system of bureaucracy, which leaves no free agent in all France, except for the man at Paris who pulls the wires. [J.S. Mill, Westminster Review vol. xxviii, 1837]
那个庞大的行政暴政网络……那个让法国所有人都没有自由的 bureaucracy 体系,除了在巴黎拉线的人之外。[J.S. Mill,《威斯敏斯特评论》第28卷,1837年]
bureaucrat, &c. The formation is so barbarous that all attempt at self-respect in pronunciation may perhaps as well be abandoned. [Fowler]
educrat (n.)
"学校系统中的官员、管理人员或其他官僚",1968年,通常是贬义的,"这个词暗示了那些被纳税人资助的工作保障所保护的过度支付、工作不足、通常毫无用处的文职人员" ["Houston Chronicle," Jan. 26, 2017]。第一个元素来自 education; 第二个元素来自 bureaucrat。据说这个混合词是由克劳德·R·柯克(Claude R. Kirk Jr.,1926-2011)创造的,他是1967-71年佛罗里达州州长。
While political leaders and corporate CEOs, focusing as usual on the quarterly return, call for "workers for the new economy," their educational reforms are producing just that: students with a grab-bag of minor skills and competencies and minds that are sadly uneventful, incapable of genuine intellectual achievement and lacking any sense of continuity with the historical and cultural traditions of our society. Their world is small, bleak, and limited; their world will become ours. [David Solway, "The Turtle Hypodermic of Sickenpods," Quebec, 2000]
虽然政治领袖和企业 CEO 通常关注季度回报,呼吁"新经济的工人",但他们的教育改革却只产生了这样的结果:学生们掌握了一些零散的技能和能力,他们的思维非常平庸,无法取得真正的智力成就,也缺乏与我们社会历史和文化传统的连续性。他们的世界是狭小、暗淡和有限的; 他们的世界将成为我们的世界。[David Solway, "The Turtle Hypodermic of Sickenpods," Quebec, 2000]