“Blighty”是英国士兵非正式且(通常)亲切的称呼,指的是“英国”或“英格兰”,在第一次世界大战中广为流传,但早在1896年印度就有记录,是印地语 bilayut, billait 的变体,源自阿拉伯语 wilayat “王国,省份”,显然被南亚各民族用来指代他们遥远的家乡,在印度逐渐被用来泛指“欧洲”。
WHEN Johnnie comes frae Blighty you can see it in his face,
For its jist a long's an elder's whan he's gaun tae say a grace;
He lies spare upon his charpoy, an' he never says a word,
Thats a specimen o' a'Johnnie whan he joins the Ninety-Third.
["L. Ferguson," first verse of Johnnie frae 'Blighty,'" in The Thin Red Line, The Regimental Paper of the 2nd Batt. (Princess Louise's) Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, Nowshera, Peshawar, India, September 1896]
“当约翰尼从 Blighty 回来时,你可以从他的脸上看出来,
他躺在他的 charpoy 上,从不说话,
[“L. Ferguson”,《The Thin Red Line,The Regimental Paper of the 2nd Batt.(Princess Louise's)Argyll&Sutherland Highlanders,Nowshera,Peshawar,India,September 1896》中的“Johnnie frae 'Blighty'”第一节]
最早记录年份: 1896