

词汇 belittle

belittle (v.)

1781年,“使变小,按比例减少”,源自 be- + little(动词); 最早出现在托马斯·杰斐逊的著作中(可能是他创造的),杰斐逊在《弗吉尼亚州的注释》中使用它来描述法国博物学家乔治·路易·勒克莱尔·布丰所推崇的科学观点,即美洲物种(包括人类)天生比欧洲物种小和劣等,而杰斐逊则极力反驳。(“到目前为止,布丰伯爵已经将这种自然倾向于贬低大西洋这一侧的生物的新理论推到了极致。”)这个词在英国受到了严厉的谴责,因为 be- 只能与动词一起使用:

Belittle! What an expression! It may be an elegant one in Virginia, and even perfectly intelligible; but for our part, all we can do is to guess at its meaning. For shame, Mr. Jefferson! [European Magazine and London Review, August 1787; to guess was considered another Yankee barbarism]
Belittle! 多么奇怪的表达!在弗吉尼亚州可能是一种优雅的表达方式,甚至是完全可以理解的; 但对我们来说,我们所能做的就是 guess 它的意思。为了体面,杰斐逊先生!(《欧洲杂志和伦敦评论》,1787年8月; guess 被认为是另一种美国佬的野蛮行径)

杰斐逊还送给布丰一只填充的驼鹿。 “贬低,蔑视为无价值”(正如评论家对这个词所做的那样)的比喻意义始于1797年,现在几乎是唯一的意义。 相关词汇: Belittled; belittling

Jefferson, as if disposed to assail the sovereignty of the English tongue as well as the sovereignty of the English sword, never hesitated to coin a word when it suited his purposes so to do; and though many of his brood are questionable on the ground of analogy and as intermixing languages; yet they were expressive, and became familiar. [Hugh Blair Grigsby, "The Virginia Convention of 1776," 1855]
杰斐逊好像不仅想攻击英语的主权,而且还想攻击英国的主权,当他认为有必要这样做时,他从不犹豫创造一个新词; 尽管他的许多词汇在类比和语言混合方面都是有问题的,但它们是表达清晰的,而且变得熟悉。(休·布莱尔·格里格斯比,《1776年的弗吉尼亚会议》,1855年)
最早记录年份: 1781






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