avuncular (adj.)
“of or pertaining to an uncle,” 1789年,源自拉丁语 avunculus “母亲的兄弟”,是 avus 的爱称(参见 uncle)+ -ar。幽默地用于“当当铺的”(uncle 是从17世纪到19世纪的俚语,意为“当当铺的”)。
Being in genteel society, we would not, of course, hint that any one of our readers can remember so very low and humiliating a thing as the first visit to "my Uncle"—the first pawnbroker. We have been assured though, by those whose necessities have sometimes compelled them to resort, for assistance, to their avuncular relation, that the first visit—the primary pawning—can never be forgotten. [Household Words, May 15, 1852]
最早记录年份: 1789