schvartze (n.)
也有 schvartzer,“黑人”(有点贬义),1961年,源自意第绪语,意为 schvarts “黑色的”(见 swarthy)。也许最初是一个代号,用于在黑人仆人在听到时提到他们,因为它的德语同源词 Schwarze 据说曾被使用:
In Baltimore in the 80s of the last century, the German-speaking householders, when they had occasion to speak of Negro servants in their presence, called them die Blaue (blues). In the 70s die Schwartze (blacks) had been used, but it was believed that the Negroes had fathomed it. [H.L. Mencken, "The American Language," Supplement I, 1945]
在上个世纪80年代的巴尔的摩,讲德语的房主在黑人仆人在场时,称他们为 die Blaue(蓝色的)。在70年代,使用了 die Schwartze(黑人),但人们认为黑人已经理解了它。[H.L.门肯,“美国语言”,补充1,1945年]
最早记录年份: 1961