saying (n.)
"说话,朗诵,动词'say'的行为",公元1300年左右,动名词来自 say(动词); 指“已经说过的话”(通常是由某个重要人物说的)的意思可追溯至公元1300年左右; “谚语表达,格言”的意义可追溯至15世纪中期。
短语 it goes without saying 可追溯至1862年的法国背景,自公元1868年起在英美报纸上使用,最初被广泛抱怨为没有明显意义。
Ça va sans dire, a familiar French locution, whose English equivalent might be "that is a matter of course," or "that may be taken for granted." But recently it has become the tendency to translate it literally, "that goes without saying," and these words, though originally uncouth and almost unmeaning to the unpractised ear, are gradually acquiring the exact meaning of the French. [Walsh, 1892]
Ça va sans dire,这是一个熟悉的法语习语,其英文等价物可能是“那是当然的事”,或者“那可以被视为理所当然的事”。但最近的趋势是逐字翻译它为“那是不言而喻的”,尽管这些话最初对于不熟练的耳朵来说是不雅和几乎没有意义的,但它们正在逐渐获得法语的确切含义。[沃尔什,1892]
最早记录年份: c. 1300