青蛙属,现代拉丁语,源自拉丁语 rana “青蛙”,可能是模拟呱呱声而来(比较 frog(n.1))。
rana 的相关词汇
frog (n.1)
古英语中的 frogga "frog",是 frosc, forsc, frox "frog"的一个小词,这是一个常见的日耳曼语词,但其构成方式各异,难以解释(同源词:古挪威语 froskr,中荷兰语 vorsc,德语 Frosch "frog"),可能字面意思是"跳跃者"(如果源自 PIE 词根 *preu- "跳跃",也是梵文 provate "跳跃",俄语 prygat "跳跃,跳跃"的来源)。Watkins 称古英语中的 -gga 为"模糊的表达后缀"。
拉丁语中的词(rana)是模仿青蛙叫声的。在中古英语中也有 frok, vrogge, frugge,并有时以复数形式 froggen 出现。中古英语的并列形式 frude, froud 来自古挪威语的 frauðr "frog",而本土的替代形式 frosk "frog"在19世纪的英语方言中仍然存活。
I always eat fricasseed frogs regretfully; they remind one so much of miniature human thighs, and make one feel cannibalistic and horrid .... [H. Ellen Browning, "A Girl's Wanderings in Hungary," 1896]
我总是带着遗憾吃炖青蛙; 它们让人想起了迷你版的人类大腿,让人感觉像是食人族,感觉很恐怖.... [H. Ellen Browning, "A Girl's Wanderings in Hungary," 1896]
作为对"法国人"的英国贬义词,1778年(简称 frog-eater),但在此之前(1650年代)它意味着"荷兰人"(来自 frog-land "沼泽地",指他们的国家)。
The principal inn on the island of Texel is called the Golden Frog, (de Goude kikker). We may wonder that there are not more examples of this sign in Holland, for there are, without doubt, as many frogs in that country as there are Dutchmen ; and even unto this day it is a mooted point, which of the two nations has more right to the possession of the country ; both however are of a pacific disposition, so that they live on in a perfect entente cordiale. [Larwood and Hotten, "The History of Signboards," 1866]
特克塞尔岛上的主要旅馆被称为金蛙(de Goude kikker)。我们可能会惊讶于荷兰没有更多这样的标志,因为毫无疑问,那个国家的青蛙和荷兰人一样多; 甚至到今天,两个国家对于谁更有权拥有这个国家的问题仍然存在争议; 然而,两者都是和平的,所以他们以完美的 entente cordiale 生活着。[Larwood and Hotten, "The History of Signboards," 1866]
有一个 frog in the throat "嗓子沙哑"是从1892年开始的,来自 frog 作为口中肿块或肿胀的名字(1650年代)或喉咙感染引起的嘶哑声。