bouncer (n.)
1762年,“弹跳者”,是从 bounce(v.)派生出来的代词,最初的意思是“猛击,打击”。19世纪有各种具体的意义,例如“吹牛,恃强凌弱的人”(1833年); 还有“同类中的大例子”(1842年); “酒吧或酒馆中的秩序执行者”(1865年,美国英语,最初是口语)。
Now it so happened that the brakeman was what is known, in the language of the road, as a "bouncer." That is, he was a hybrid combining the qualities of a brakeman and a bruiser, and was frequently called into requisition by the conductor to take the dirty work of ejecting tramps off of his hands. ["Staats," "A Tight Squeeze," 1879]
"The Bouncer" is merely the English "chucker out". When liberty verges on license and gaiety on wanton delirium, the Bouncer selects the gayest of the gay, and — bounces him! [London Daily News, July 26, 1883]
最早记录年份: 1762