nominalism (n.)
"将抽象概念仅视为名称,而非现实的观点; 普通名词仅是思想或言语中的便利,代表真实事物的学说",1820年出自法语 nominalisme(1752),源自 nominal,源自拉丁语 nominalis “关于名称的”(参见 nominal)。相关词汇: Nominalist(1650年代); nominalistic。
Medieval thinkers, especially those of the twelfth century, are classified as being either nominalists or realists; modern philosophers have generally joined in the condemnation of medieval realism, but have nevertheless been mostly rather realists than nominalists. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
中世纪的思想家,特别是12世纪的思想家,被归为名义主义者或实在主义者; 现代哲学家通常谴责中世纪的实在主义,但仍然大多是实在主义者而非名义主义者。[《世纪词典》,1895年]
最早记录年份: 1820