alum (n.)
"白色矿物盐,用作收敛剂、染料等",14世纪晚期,来自古法语 alum, alun,源自拉丁语 alumen "明矾",也指"明矾植物",源自原意为"苦味物质"的原始意大利语 *alu-,字面意思为"苦盐",与希腊语 aludoimos "苦"有关,也许与英语 ale 和一些波罗的海斯拉夫语言中的"啤酒"一词(如立陶宛语 alus)有关。该植物在伤口上的药用作用已为普林尼所知。
最早记录年份: late 14c.
alum 的相关词汇
ale (n.)
"由麦芽发酵制成的令人陶醉的酒精饮料",古英语 ealu "啤酒,啤酒",源自原始日耳曼语 *aluth-(也源自古撒克逊语 alo,古诺尔斯语 öl),其起源不确定。可能来自一个意味着"苦"的原始印欧语根(也源自拉丁语 alumen "明矾"),或者来自 PIE *alu-t "啤酒",来自 *alu- 根,具有"巫术,魔法,占有和醉酒"的含义[沃特金斯]。这个词从日耳曼语借入到立陶宛语(alus)和古教会斯拉夫语(olu)。
In the fifteenth century, and until the seventeenth, ale stood for the unhopped fermented malt liquor which had long been the native drink of these islands. Beer was the hopped malt liquor introduced from the Low Countries in the fifteenth century and popular first of all in the towns. By the eighteenth century, however, all malt liquor was hopped and there had been a silent mutation in the meaning of the two terms. For a time the terms became synonymous, in fact, but local habits of nomenclature still continued to perpetuate what had been a real difference: 'beer' was the malt liquor which tended to be found in towns, 'ale' was the term in general use in the country districts. [Peter Mathias, "The Brewing Industry in England," Cambridge University Press, 1959]
意思是"在这里喝了很多啤酒的节日或欢乐会议"在古英语中(见 bridal)。
aluminum (n.)
1812年,英国化学家亨弗莱·戴维爵士创造了这个词,源于18世纪末法国化学家赋予氧化铝的名称 alumina, alumine,源于拉丁语 alumen “明矾”(见 alum)。戴维最初称其为 alumium(1808年),然后将其改为 aluminum,这仍然是美国的说法。1812年,英国编辑进一步将其修改为 aluminium,这是现代英国首选的形式,以更好地与其他金属元素名称(sodium, potassium 等)协调。
Aluminium, for so we shall take the liberty of writing the word, in preference to aluminum, which has a less classical sound. [Quarterly Review, September 1812]
铝,我们将自由地写这个词,而不是铝,因为它听起来不太古典。[Quarterly Review,1812年9月]
1859年 Aluminum foil 得到证实; 从大约1950年开始在食品包装中广泛使用。