fop (n.)
15世纪中期,“愚蠢的人”,起源不明,可能与过时的动词 fop “愚弄”有关,源自大陆语言,类似于德语 foppen “嘲笑,愚弄”。 “花花公子,花花公子,外表和举止都非常讲究的男人”这个意思来自于1670年代,也许是那些认为这种事情愚蠢的人嘲笑的结果。 18世纪是他们最辉煌的时期。 较年轻的品种是 fopling(1680年代)。
His was the sumptuous age of powder and patches. He was especially dainty in the matters of sword-knots, shoe-buckles, and lace ruffles. He was ablaze with jewelry, took snuff with an incomparable air out of a box studded with diamonds, and excelled in the "nice conduct of a clouded cane." [Charles J. Dunphie, "Fops and Foppery," New York, 1876]
最早记录年份: mid-15c.