elegant (adj.)
15世纪末,"雅致华丽的",源自15世纪的古法语 élégant,直接源自拉丁语 elegantem(nominative elegans)"选择,精美,雅致",是 eligere 的现在分词的同源形式,意为"精心挑选,选择"(参见 election)。意为"具有精致优雅特点"的含义始于1520年代。拉丁语 elegans 最初是一种责备的说法,意为"娇气,挑剔"; "具有精致优雅"的概念在古典拉丁语中出现。相关词汇: Elegantly。
Elegant implies that anything of an artificial character to which it is applied is the result of training and cultivation through the study of models or ideals of grace; graceful implies less of consciousness, and suggests often a natural gift. A rustic, uneducated girl may be naturally graceful, but not elegant. [Century Dictionary]
Elegant 暗示了任何应用于人工特征的东西都是通过学习优雅的模型或理想的培训和修养的结果; graceful 则意味着意识较少,并且常常暗示一种天赋。一个乡村的、没有受过教育的女孩可能天生具有 graceful,但不具备 elegant。[世纪词典]
最早记录年份: late 15c.