continuity (n.)
15世纪初,“空间或时间上部分的不间断连接”,源自古法语 continuité,来自拉丁语 continuitatem(主格 continuitas)“一个连接的系列”,源自 continuus “连接,与某物连接; 一个接一个地跟随”,源自不及物动词 continere “不间断”,字面意思是“挂在一起”(参见 contain)。
The scenario,—that is the division of the synopsis into scenes from which the picture is made—is written by men and women specially trained for the work. Women are as successful, perhaps more so, in this line than men. The average price for an original motion picture synopsis is from $500 to $1500, but the price may be higher or lower according to the company and the value of the author's name. ... Continuity writers or those who divide the story into the scenes (continuity and scenario being different names for the same thing) are specially well paid. [Helen Christene Hoerle and Florence B. Saltzberg, "The Girl and the Job," New York, 1919]
最早记录年份: early 15c.