

词汇 prince albert coat
Prince Albert coat; Albert chain, etc. Queen Victoria mar- ried Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1840, despite many objections, loved him deeply, and mourned him in seclusion many years after his untimely death in 1861, aged 42. A man of great character and culture, the royal consort was much loved by the British people, one token of their esteem shown by the heavy gold watch chain presented to him by the jewelers of Birmingham in 1849. The prince consort wore this watch chain from one pocket to a but- ton of the waistcoat, setting a fashion named the Albert chain or albert in his honor. Also named for Albert are Lake Albert, or Lake Albert Nyanza, in central Africa, discovered by Samuel Baker in 1864, and, oddly enough, the alberts or rags that Aus- tralian tramps wear in place of socks. The Prince Albert, a long double-breasted frock coat, is named for the royal consort’s eldest son, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (1841–1910), who became Edward VII in 1901.




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