

词汇 carnegiea
Carnegiea. One of the world’s richest men, Andrew Carne- gie (1835–1919), gives his name to the largest cactus in the world, Carnegiea gigantea, or the saguaro. One Carnegiea specimen found near Madrona, New Mexico in 1950 had candelabra-like branches rising to 53 feet. Carnegiea had been named for Carnegie a half century before in gratitude for his help in financing Tucson’s Desert Laboratory. The millionaire, whose family emigrated to America from Scotland when he was a youth, rose from rags to riches, starting as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory at $1.20 a week and becoming a multimil- lionaire with his Carnegie Steel Company, which was merged with the United States Steel Corporation when he retired in 1901 to live on his estate in Scotland. Carnegie believed that it was a disgrace to die rich. He became one of the greatest indi- vidual philanthropists in history, his benefactions totaling about $350 million.




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