

词汇 hogarthian
Hogarthian. His paintings uncompromisingly realistic in style, his name came to indicate the same, but English painter William Hogarth (1697–1764) wasn’t above fantastic flights of the imagination. Once when an ugly client refused to pay for a realistically ugly portrait, Hogarth threatened to add a tail and other appendages to his likeness and dedicate it to “Mr. Hare, the famous wildbeast man.” His client paid on condition that the portrait be destroyed. Hogarth’s great ability as a painter was overshadowed by his consummate skill as a caricaturist, which he used in his engravings to expose the hypocrisy and degenera- tion of English society. Among his numerous satiric works the most celebrated are The Rake’s Progress, the Marriage à la Mode series, Gin Lane, and Four Stages of Cruelty, all noted for their frank humor and realistic attention to detail. It has been said that Hogarth, despite his great skills, was less a painter than an au- thor, “a humorist and satirist upon canvas.” Yet he was capable of painting such masterpieces as the Shrimp Girl and Captain Coram.




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