

词汇 bulldozer
bulldozer. The earth-moving bulldozer takes its name from a band of political terrorists. After the Civil War, a group of Loui- siana vigilantes, who brutally prevented freed slaves from vot- ing freely, were termed “bulldozers,” the word first printed in an 1876 newspaper account of their activities. It is not certain whether they were whites forcing blacks to vote Democratic, Republican Negroes forcing their brothers not to vote Demo- cratic, or groups of both. Neither is the exact origin of their name clear—it probably came from bulldose, to mete out a “dose of the bull” with the long heavy bullwhip often made from the animal’s penis. Bulldozer was soon used for“a revolv- er” and to describe anyone resembling the original terrorist bullies. Later the huge earth-moving machine, which brutally pushes everything in its path aside, became a natural candidate for the designation. Few people realize that when someone is called a bulldozer today he is being named not for the machine, but for the vigilantes so much like him. See also derrick; monkey wrench.




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