

词汇 go whole hog
go whole hog. Probably the expression to go the whole hog, or to go whole hog, “to go the limit, all the way,” has its origins in William Cowper’s poem “The Love of the World Reproved; or Hypocrisy Detected” (1779). Cowper told a story about pious but hungry Muhammadans who were ordered by Muhammad not to eat a certain unspecified part of the pig. Unable to deter- mine what part, they began to experiment:
But for one piece they thought it hard
From the whole hog to be debar’d;
And set their wit at work to find
What joint the prophet had in mind . . .
Thus, conscience freed from every clog,
Mohometans eat up the hog . . .
With sophistry their sauce they sweeten,
Til quite from tail to snout ’tis eaten.




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