

词汇 fletcherize
fletcherize. The author of Glutton or Epicure (1899) advocat- ed cutting out regular meals and eating only when really hun- gry, consuming very small amounts of food at one time, and chewing each tiny mouthful vigorously and thoroughly before swallowing. Horace Fletcher (1849–1919), a Lawrence, Massa- chusetts businessman turned nutritionist, believed that this regimen—which he had followed from the time he went on a diet and lost 65 pounds at age 40—would promote better diges- tion and health as excellent as his own. Fletcherism, described more fully in a later book of that name, swept the country; thousands attended Fletcher’s lectures and followed his in- structions to the letter. As a result of the health fad, the word fletcherize, “to masticate food thoroughly,” became a common expression that still remains in the dictionaries. Fletcher had really borrowed his idea of 32 chews to the bite from British prime minister Gladstone, who “made it a rule, to give every tooth of mine a chance,” and who claimed he owed much of his success in life to this rule. Slogans like “Nature will castigate those who don’t masticate” won Fletcher many famous con- verts, including John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, William James, and the cadets at West Point.




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