

词汇 yersinia pestis
Yersinia pestis. The ferocious Yersinia pestis bacillus, which causes bubonic plague or the Black Death, as it is known throughout history, is among the oldest living things on Earth, dating back three thousand billion years, 30 times older than the oldest mammal. Dr. Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin, a bril- liant if unconventional Swiss-born French bacteriologist inves- tigating a plague epidemic in Hong Kong, discovered the rod- shaped plague organism in the swellings of victims and named it Bacillus pestis. At about the same time in the same place the Japanese microbiologist Dr. Shibasaburo Kitasato also isolated the plague agent, and he named it Pastuerella pestis after Louis Pasteur, which it was called until 1970, when it was officially named Yersinia pestis after Dr. Yersin. Yersin’s discovery, it was determined, preceded Kitasato’s by several months but had been published in a French research journal less widely read than the English journal in which Kitasato had published his findings. Unfortunately, he did not live to see the bacillus offi- cially named in his honor, dying in 1943 at the age of 80.




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