

词汇 xanthos
Xanthos. Xanthos or Xanthus of Lydia was one of the logo- graphi, the early Greek chroniclers who were the predecessors of true historians. The name takes on a different meaning in Henry Miller’s Tropic of Capricorn (1939), when he writes: “. . . I felt alone in the world . . . When I say that I was at Far Rockaway [a popular beach resort town at the time in New York City’s Queens County] I mean that I was standing at the end of the earth, at a place called Xanthos, if there be such a place, and surely there ought to be a word like this to express no place at all . . . I used the word Xanthos before. I don’t know whether there is a Xanthos or not, and I really don’t care one way or another, but there must be a place in the world, perhaps in the Grecian islands, where you come to the end of the known world and you are thoroughly alone and yet you are not fright- ened of it but rejoice, because at this dropping off place you can feel the old ancestral world which is eternally young and new and fecundating. You stand there, wherever the place is, like a newly hatched chick beside its eggshell. This place is Xanthos, or as it happened in my case, Far Rockaway.” Miller’s coinages (new meanings for both Xanthos and Far Rockaway) are re- corded here for the first time in any dictionary; it seems likely that he had read of the Greek chronicler Xanthos and forgotten him, but there is no absolute proof of this.




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