

词汇 dupe
dupe.  Because its cry sounds like “up up,” the south Eu­ro­pe­ an bird Upupa epops was called the upup or upupa by the Ro-­ mans. The bird, about the size of a large thrush and noted for its long, curved beak, variegated plumage, and beautiful orange erectile crest in the male, became known in French as the huppe and in En­glish as the hoopoe, or hoop. The French considered it to be an especially stupid bird because it laid its eggs most any-­ where without a nest (in a hole in a wall, tree, or bank, ­etc.). They commonly said that any fool had the head of a huppe, tête d’huppe. D’huppe in the expression eventually became duppe and passed into En­glish in the late 17th century as dupe, a per-­ son who is easily fooled or deceived.




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